People in the functional medicine department at the Cleveland Clinic are recommending Erie Bone Broth to their patients.
The benefits are vast, Bone broth contains valuable minerals in a form your body can easily absorb and use. Bone Broth boosts the immune system, aids in fighting inflammation, strengthens bones, aids in digestion and this is naming a few benefits of this Rockstar broth. Bone Broth contains calcium (your heart, muscles and nerves need calcium to function properly), magnesium (detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth) phosphorus (regulate hormones, keeps bones and teeth healthy, improves digestion), silicon (strengthens bones, aids in digestion, boosts immune system) chondroitin (joint-supporting it helps rebuild cartilage naturally and boosts recovery of tissue after injury or exercise.), glucosamine (helps with inflammation), and a variety of trace minerals.
Bone broth health benefits include reduced joint pain and inflammation. The glucosamine in bone broth can actually stimulate the growth of new collagen, repair damaged joints, and reduce pain and inflammation In the bestselling book book Deep Nutrition, Dr. Cate Shanahan writes... "The health of your joints depends upon the health of the collagen in your ligaments, tendons, and on the ends of your bones. Collagens are a large family of biomolecules, which include the glycosaminoglycans, very special molecules that help keep our joints healthy."
The gelatin in Bone Broth protects and heals the mucosal lining of the digestive tract and helps aid in the digestion tract and helps aid in the digestion and nutrients. Bone Broth is THE staple of a gut healing diet. A Leaky Gut can show itself in the form of allergies, joint pain, food sensitivities, irritable bowels. Bone Broth is very easily digested and contains profound immune-optimizing components that are foundational building blocks for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Bone broth is truly a crucial component of healing your body of many of its ills.
Bone broth is valued as a super food for its nutrient-rich and healing properties.
If you plan on drinking an 8oz glass per day, based on our 24oz spout pouches, you would need 2-3 bags per week. Some prescribers want their patients to drink 2- 8oz glasses per day, in which case you would need 5 bags per week.